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6 march rashifal, daily rashifal for saturday according to astrologer Dr. Ajay Bhambi, know how the day of March 6 will be for your zodiac sign | शनिवार को मेष, सिंह, तुला राशि के लोगों को मिल सकता है लाभ, मीन राशि के लोग सतर्क रहें

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  • 6 March Rashifal, Daily Rashifal For Saturday According To Astrologer Dr. Ajay Bhambi, Know How The Day Of March 6 Will Be For Your Zodiac Sign

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  • According to astrologer Dr. Ajay Bhambi, know how will the day of March 6 be for your zodiac sign?

On Saturday, March 6, the Moon will be in Scorpio all day long. Moon will enter Sagittarius at night. Jyestha Nakshatra will remain on this day. Due to this, inauspicious yoga is being created under the name Mausal. Saturn’s causative planet is Saturn. Donate oil to a Shani temple or to a needy person. Shana Shanashrai Nam: Chant the mantra.

According to astrologer Dr. Ajay Bhambi, know how the day of March 6 will be for your zodiac …


Positive- Today is the right time to bring economic plans to fruition. Work with full confidence to the best of your ability. Land-related procurement work can be done. There will be a happy atmosphere at home due to any problem related to the career of the students.

Negative– It is also important to try to quit any of your negative habits. Do not be ignorant of the activities of your rivals at this time. If there is talk of any type of loan transaction, it is better to keep it suspended today.

The business– Any business related problem will be solved and a framework will also be made for starting any new work. At this time it is necessary to monitor staff related activities. Take all decisions related to the work area yourself.

Love– There will be a pleasant atmosphere in the house. Seeking the advice of spouses and family members in every task will bring more closeness in the relationship.

Health– Seasonal effects can have on health. At this time, even a senior member of the household may have health problems.

Lucky color– Green

Lucky number– 3


Positive– Time is right to put in place the relocation plans, but instead of sentimentality, acting wisely and prudently will suit the circumstances. Your balanced behavior will help you in keeping harmony in every good and inauspicious situation.

NegativeInstead of expressing anger at someone’s wrong thing, act with intelligence. Otherwise circumstances may worsen. It is better to consult the experienced person in any problem.

The business– Business conditions are getting better, but the time to invest is not yet favorable. At this time there is also a need to bring some changes in the working system. Overtime may also have to be done due to excessive work in the office.

Love– Married life will be peaceful and peaceful. It is your responsibility to maintain Discipline in the family.

Health– Health will be fine. Due to over-busyness, there may be problems of stretch and pain in the nerves.

Lucky color– Sky

Lucky number– 6


Positive– Listen to the voice of the heart rather than your mind. You will definitely have a positive feeling. A positive personality will help you complete your work in a planned way. The youth will also understand the values ​​of life seriously.

Negative– Sometimes due to excessive work, some stress may remain. Be sure to seek the cooperation of family members to improve the problems of the house. Students must stay away from wrong associations.

The business– Business activities will be normal. The time is favorable for receiving the stagnant payment etc. At this time, focus on current activities rather than future plans. It is necessary to wait for your proper time.

Love– Love will remain in married life. Marriage will also be auspicious for married people.

Health– Health will be fine, but to keep your immune system strong, it is necessary to keep a balanced diet and routine.

Lucky color– Red

Lucky number– 1


Positive– At this time planetary transit is creating a new achievement for you, which will prove to be beneficial for you in the future. By learning from your last few shortcomings, you will try to improve your routine more and better.

Negative– Do not hesitate to take advice from senior and experienced people. People of some negative instinct may distract you from your goal. Suddenly a big expenditure can come in the way of the budget going haywire.

The business– Profitable conditions are being created in partnership related work. Plans will also be made to expand the business. Make sure to also pay attention to the suggestions of employees to maintain proper order.

Love– Husband-wife relationship will be happy. There will also be time spent shopping and having fun. There can be some sort of separation in a love affair.

Health– To get relief from headache and migraine problem, it is necessary to keep your food and diet organized and do not let stress dominate you.

Lucky color– White

Lucky number– 3


Positive– There will be festive atmosphere on the best achievement of any member of the household. If any property related work is stopped at this time, then it is also a good time to complete it. It will also be a pleasure to reconcile with close relatives.

Negative– Stay away from any kind of credit related tasks, there is a possibility of cheating. Do not decide too much on any task and take immediate decision, otherwise the best time may be out of hand.

The business– There is a need to improve business practices. Though any concrete decision taken will prove to be the best, but keep your plans limited to yourself. The atmosphere in the government office may remain somewhat negative.

Love– Avoid small things in the house. This will keep the relationship sweet. Having a meeting with friends will make you feel very mentally relaxed.

Health– Due to excessive pressure of work, there will be a situation of pain and fatigue in the legs. Make sure to take proper rest from time to time as well.

Lucky color– Badami

Lucky number– 2


Positive– Today the situation is quite satisfactory. In every situation, you will keep harmony. There will also be a plan related to any religious festival at home. You will feel refreshed by spending time with family members at home.

Negative– If you have made a promise to someone, then it must be fulfilled. Otherwise, your image can also deteriorate in front of people. It is also important to keep an eye on the activities and associations of children. It would be better to keep them busy in positive activities.

The business– Before starting any new work in the field, please take the consent of senior and experienced members of the household. A profitable situation will suddenly arise in money-related transactions, but some legal and investment-related complications may arise.

Love– The arrival of guests in the house will make the atmosphere pleasant and positive. Friendships of youth can turn into love affairs.

Health– There will be problems like throat infection and cough, cold. Consume more and more Ayurvedic things.

Lucky color– Saffron

Lucky number– 3


Positive– Any special work related plans will be implemented today. Instead of caring for people, focus on the tasks according to your ability. Surely you will succeed. The social circle will also increase.

Negative– Sometimes Iago and overconfidence can distract you from your goal. Keep a check on extravagance, because accidentally a big expense can come up.

The business– Most business tasks will be completed smoothly. The economic situation will also be better, but tax and loan related matters need to be reconsidered. Employment people should carry out their tasks with full devotion as promotion opportunities are being created.

Love– The atmosphere of the house will remain mellow. Suddenly the mind will be happy to meet a dear friend.

Health– Increasing problems like joint pain can cause a decrease in functioning and some depression-like condition will also persist.

Lucky color– White

Lucky number– 5


PositiveToday, the more diligent you perform your work, the better results you will get according to it. You will also have faith in religious and spiritual activities and there will be positive changes in your lifestyle.

NegativeAt this time, do not take any risk in any work related to personal life. Because the situation of big losses is being created. Maintain respect for the elders of the house and also follow their advice and guidance.

The business– Postpone all marketing related activities today. Because any kind of misunderstandings can cause harm. Prioritize your thoughts over the advice of others. People will also maintain good relations with their officers.

Love– Despite excessive busyness, taking time out for the family will bring happiness to everyone and mutual love and harmony will remain in the family.

Health– There will be physical and mental fatigue. Also, spend some time in solitude and nature.

Lucky color– Orange

Lucky number– 6


Positive– Satisfactory time is running. Try to settle the work in a peaceful manner rather than in a hurry. The problems that have been going on for some time will be solved to a large extent by your positive and balanced functioning.

Negative– Keep in mind that the wrong advice of a friend or relative can cause problems for you. It would be better to prioritize your decision. It is important to overcome negative situations like Iago and over-confidence in nature.

The business– There may be some deficiencies in the means of income, but soon the circumstances will be in your favor, so be fully focused towards your actions. Employment people may face some problems in reconciling in office today.

Love– In your difficult times, the support of your life partner and family members will work for you, but sometimes a situation like mistrust can occur in love relationships.

Health– Digestive system will be weak. Eat light and digestible food.

Lucky color– Red

Lucky number– 8


Positive– Spend some time in work related to your interests to get relieved from the tired routine that has been going on for some time. Engaging in creative and mindful activities will give you new energy.

Negative– Stay away from doing any risky tasks. Do not violate any rules due to negligence. You can also get caught in any legal issues. It is very important to keep your routine organized.

The businessIn the business sector, it is necessary to maintain a synergy between management and employees. You will get new offers from some trusted parties which will also be profitable. Do not do media and marketing related work today.

Love– Mutual relationship between husband and wife will be good. Maintain transparency in love relationships, and respect each other’s feelings.

Health– Hormonal problems may increase due to excess stress. Meditation and meditation are also its proper treatment.

Lucky color– Badami

Lucky number– 4


Positive– Today there will be some unexpected changes in the routine, this change will be positive for you. Circumstances are becoming particularly beneficial for women. You will also get an invitation to attend a function.

Negative– Keep in mind that a past negative thing can have an effect on your ability to work. Use caution when transacting payment. Any type of borrowing can spoil the relationship.

The business– Excellent business conditions are being created at this time. This is the time to strengthen our connectivity and functioning. Discipline and rules will have to be strengthened more in the field.

Love– There will be cooperative behavior in husband and wife. The closeness will also increase in love relationship.

Health– Problems of foot pain and swelling may increase. Get your checkups done regularly and get better treatment.

Lucky color– Purple

Lucky number– 7


Positive– Meeting people at a ceremony in kinship will provide happiness. You will also get to learn positive experiences with some experienced people. Appropriate time to complete any property related work.

Negative– Do not discuss your plans and activities with anyone. Share the bulk of your work with other members of the household, this will allow you to complete your work much more easily.

The business– The system will improve with your understanding and prudence in the field. Business will gain momentum and new orders and contracts will also be found. There may be an official visit which will prove to be beneficial for you.

Love– Avoid minor negative things in married life. This will increase mutual closeness. Do not be interested in extramarital affairs.

Health– You may have to deal with any type of allergy and stomach upset.

Lucky color– Cream

Lucky number– 9

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