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Connection Between Sleep and Appetite (Bhookh); What Are The Causes Of Less Nap? Obesity, Heart Disease and Depression | 7 घंटे से कम सोते हैं तो मोटापे, हार्ट डिजीज और डिप्रेशन का ज्यादा खतरा है, जानिए नींद का साइंस

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  • People between the ages of 18 and 60 must complete at least 7 hours of sleep every night
  • If you sleep only for 5 hours at night, on an average 80 grams of weight is increased every 5 nights.

Sleep is something that most people do not care for. Often we go to sleep only when the eyes are closed. But do you know that our hunger also has a connection with sleep and weight? Yes, it is. If you want to lose weight, the first thing to do is to change your sleeping habits. According to the Clinical Sleep Medicine General, sleeping less than 7 hours increases the risk of many diseases, such as obesity, heart disease, depression, etc.

Let us know what is the science behind sleep and weight loss? And how can we improve our sleep.

The connection between sleep and weight gain is

  • According to research from the National Institutes of Health, there is a direct connection between sleep and weight. Taking less sleep is the highest risk of weight gain and obesity. According to one study, those healthy adults who sleep only for 5 hours every night, their average weight increases by 80 grams every 5 nights.
  • According to the American Health Agency Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, people aged 18 to 60 must complete at least 7 hours of sleep every night. People aged 61 to 64 must sleep for 7 to 9 hours. About 35% of US adults sleep less than 7 hours.

What are the hormonal connections between sleep deprivation and weight gain?

  • Hormonal imbalance leads to increased appetite and weight gain

Lack of sleep produces hormonal imbalance in the body. This increases appetite and increases the risk of weight gain. Actually, our body contains leptin and Ghrelin hormones, which control appetite. However, when sleep is not complete, the production level of these hormones changes. Less leptin and more Ghrelin are formed in the body. Leptin suppresses appetite and Ghrelin increases appetite.

  • Cortisol likes to eat more sweet and junk food than hormones

The second factor behind hunger pangs is cortisol hormone, also known as stress hormone. When our sleep is not complete, the body sees it as a stressor and releases cortisol hormone, which increases appetite. At this time, high fat, sweet and junk food is most liked. Fat increases by increasing cortisol hormone. Especially in the stomach.

  • Growth hormones release less, which increases obesity

According to the Sleep Foundation, when we sleep, growth hormones are released in the body, which is used to repair body damage. These hormones work to break down fat, which is called lipolysis. Due to lack of sleep, growth hormones are reduced. In many research, it has been found that 4 or 5 hours of sleep a night increases obesity.

  • What does the study say?

Men who sleep less than 5 hours are at highest risk of diabetes

  • According to one study, half-baked sleep adversely affects our glucose homeostasis. Due to this, insulin sensitivity from the body decreases rapidly and the risk of diabetes increases. This can also happen to children.
  • Scientists in Sweden studied over 2000 people for more than 10 years. It showed that men who had less than 5 hours of sleep were more diabetic than women.


