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mahabharata story, unknown facts of mahabharata, life management tips for happiness and success, prerak prasang | अगर लक्ष्य बड़ा है तो छोटी-छोटी सफलता मिलने पर जश्न मनाने से बचें, वरना काम से ध्यान हट सकता है

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22 minutes ago

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  • In the Mahabharata, the Kauravas celebrated celebrations after killing the Pandava warriors, but the Pandavas remained calm even after killing the great warriors.

Those who want to achieve great success, they should avoid celebrating on small success. If we celebrate on trivial matters then time will be wasted and our attention may divert from our work. There was a great difference in the behavior of both Kaurava and Pandava armies in the Mahabharata war.

The Kaurava side had warriors like Duryodhana, Dushasan and Karna and had a large army of one and a half times the Pandava army. Even after this, the Kauravas lost. Apart from religion and unrighteousness, there was a difference of goal between the two sides. The Kauravas were fighting only for the purpose of harming the Pandavas.

Whenever a warrior of the Pandava army was killed in the war, there was a festive atmosphere in the Kaurava side. In which he made many mistakes. On the other hand, the Pandavas never celebrated by killing the big warriors of the Kaurava army. He continued to consider such an opportunity as just a stop for victory.

The Pandavas never celebrated by killing warriors like Bhishma, Draun, Karna, Shalva, Dushasan and Shakuni. His goal was to win the war, he kept his focus on it. Never let myself drift into the drift of small success. In the end the Pandavas defeated the Kauravas.

Learning One should not divert attention from the big goal by engaging in small successes.


