
Good Morning Images 2022

motivational story about good life, how to get success and happiness, inspirational story about peace of mind | दूसरों की नकारात्मक बातों पर ध्यान देंगे तो हम अपना काम ठीक से नहीं कर पाएंगे और बढ़ेंगी परेशानियां

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One month ago

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  • The saint explained to the disciple, if people are criticizing, then they should not pay attention, do your work honestly

If we do not want anyone to criticize us, then it is not possible. If we do anything, someone will definitely do evil. If we pay attention to such negative things, then we will not be able to do our work. A folk tale prevails in this regard.

Story In the past, a saint was living with his disciple outside a village by making a hut. When people around him came to know about him, people started approaching the saint. The saints were very learned. People used to tell them their problems and saints used to solve them. The saints became quite famous because of their teachings. His disciple was also happy with this.

A pundit lived in the village itself. He was worried about his future. He felt that the saint was winning the trust of the people of the village, this would reduce his power. People will not offer prayers. Pandit felt the danger of his influence diminishing. He started committing the evil of the saint in front of the people of the village.

In a few days, many people of the village joined the Pandit and started calling the saint as a hypocrite. One day the disciple of the saint heard these things. He immediately reached his master and told the whole thing.

The saint explained to the disciple that when an elephant comes to a village, the dogs bark, but the elephant keeps on walking in his gait. Similarly, we should not pay attention to these negative things. We just have to do our work honestly.

Story lessons

The lesson of this story is that we can only do our work well, we cannot stop the criticisms happening in the society. If we do anything, people will criticize us. That’s why just concentrate on your work. Keep working honestly. If you pay attention to the words of others, you will not get happiness or peace in life.


