
Good Morning Images 2022

motivational story about success and happiness, how to get success in life, problems and solutions in hindi | सिर्फ बैठे रहने से समस्या हल नहीं होती, जैसे ही कोई बाधा आए, उसे तुरंत हल करें

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One hour ago

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  • A person took a new house, there was a crying sound of a dog, he went and saw that the dog was sitting on a nail.

In a village, a person took a new house. The atmosphere around the house was very good, but there was the sound of the dog crying. The person thought that it would stop after some time. He continued in his work.

After a while his attention was going to the sound of the dog crying. After some time, it was night, so he thought that he would have to see in the morning, where is this dog crying. Could not sleep properly in the night. He woke up early in the morning and started walking in the direction from where the dog was crying.

The voice was coming from the house near him. When that person reached inside the house, an old man was sitting there and a dog was crying sitting near him.

The person said to that old Baba that this dog is crying here with you, what is the problem?

The old man said that yes, I know. This dog is sitting on a nail. It is hurting because of the prick of the nail. Because of this, he is crying.

The person said that this is very strange. When it is hurting due to nail then why is it not lifting?

The old man said that the pain has not become unbearable for this dog yet. As long as it is able to bear the pain, it will remain seated. When the pain starts getting more, then it will get up on its own.

Learning – The lesson of this story is that many times in our life, problems arise like nails and we start adapting ourselves to those problems, but do not try to solve them. After some time the same problem becomes big and then it becomes difficult to solve it. The problem is not solved by just sitting. As soon as there is an obstacle, we should resolve it immediately. Only then does happiness and peace prevail in life.

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