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  • A prince was also afraid of wielding a sword, due to this fear he could not even learn to wield a sword.

If there is a fear in the beginning of a work, then we are not able to achieve success in that work. If you move forward without fear, you can get success in the work. A folk tale prevails in this regard. Know this story …

According to legend, in ancient times a prince was also afraid of wielding a sword. The king tried hard to teach fencing to the prince, but he did not succeed.

The prince did not have the courage to wield a sword, yet the father somehow taught the prince a little sword. The king also tried several times to take the prince into battle, but the prince did not go to war because of fear.

The king kept trying to overcome the fear of his son, but the prince’s condition was the same. One day his kingdom was attacked by enemies. The army of enemies was much larger than the king’s army. In no time, all the king’s warriors were killed in battle. In the end only the king was left alive.

When the prince came to know that everything was over in the war, he too dared and came out of the palace. On getting out, he saw that the army of enemies was advancing from the front. He got scared. Turning back to run towards his palace, he saw that his father was taken captive by the army of enemies. Seeing the king imprisoned, the servants inside the palace closed the door of the palace, so that the enemy could not come inside the palace.

The prince was alone in the field and an army of enemies in front. He had two options. The first is to surrender and the second is to take up the sword and face the enemies. The prince chose the second option. He raised a sword and he broke down on the enemies. Swordsmanship taught by the king made him fall prey to enemies.

Seeing the prince fighting, the servants of the palace also got excited and they too jumped into the fight. Shortly he drove the enemies from there and got the king free.

Story lessons

The lesson of this episode is that while we are afraid, we cannot start any work. Because of fear, we stay away from success. Only by working fearlessly can success be achieved.


