
Good Morning Images 2022

motivational story about success, how to get success, peace of mind, inspirational story, prerak prasang | जो लोग काम को बोझ समझते हैं, उन्हें न तो सफलता मिलती है और ना ही उनका मन शांत होता है

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No matter what the work is, if we do it as a burden, our mind will neither get peace nor will we get success in that work as expected. A folk tale prevails in this regard. Know this story …

According to the legend, in the olden times a saint was traveling with his disciples to preach religion. During this period, he used to stay in different places and preach to the people. One day they reached a place where some construction work was going on.

When the saint reached that place, many laborers were carving stones there. The saint asked a laborer what is being made here?

The worker was angry. He said loudly that I do not know, go ahead Baba.

The saints proceeded from there. They reached another worker. The saint also asked him what would be made here?

The second laborer said, Guruji, what do I mean by this, anything can be made here. I am working here only for wages. You get money in the evening after working all day.

The saints proceeded from there. Now they reached another laborer. The saint also asked the third worker what is being made at this place?

The third laborer bowed down to the saint and said that Guruji is building a temple here. The village did not have a temple. Now one will not have to go to another village to worship.

The saint again asked him, do you find happiness in this work?

The laborer said that I am very happy to have a temple. I enjoy this work very much. I hear music in the sound of a chisel-hammer.

Hearing this, the saint told his disciples that this is the source of happy life. Those who consider their work as a burden are always unhappy and those who do their work with happiness, they are always happy. If we change our perspective, then we can get success along with happiness and peace in life.


