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Planetary Position February 2021: Planet Transit Of Surya Mangal Budh And Shukra Rashi Parivartn, Mars in Aries Jupiter And Saturn in Capricorn | इस महीने होगा 4 ग्रहों का राशि परिवर्तन, गुरु-शनि और राहु-केतु की चाल में नहीं होगा बदलाव

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  • Planetary Position February 2021: Planet Transit Of Surya Mangal Budh And Shukra Rashi Parivartn, Mars In Aries Jupiter And Saturn In Capricorn

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  • Due to change in planetary movement this month, all zodiac signs will have auspicious and inauspicious effects.
  • Panchagrahi and Shadgrahi Yoga will be made in Capricorn, due to this there will be big events in the country and the world

In February, the zodiac signs of the Sun, Mars, Mercury and Venus will change. Also, the Moon will change the zodiac every two and a half days. Apart from these, the sign of Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu-Ketu will not change. But Mercury, Guru and Saturn, which have been lying since last month, will rise again. At the same time, the planet Venus will be disturbed and in the last days of the month Mercury will start moving at a straight speed.

Changes in the movement of these planets will affect all zodiac signs. The impact of these stars can cause major changes in the lives of some people. Due to the Sun, Mercury and Venus, there will be fluctuations in the economic status and everyday work of many people.

Panchagrahi and Shagragraha Yoga
Sun, Mercury, Guru, Venus and Saturn will remain in Capricorn from February 4 to 9. At the same time, the moon will also enter Capricorn on February 10 and 11. Which will create a vigorous yoga. Also, 5 Venus and five Saturdays are coming in the Magh month of the Hindu calendar. Pandit Ganesh Mishra, the astrologer of Kashi, says that this position of planets and constellations is pointing to unwanted events. This position of stars may have adverse effect on the country and the world.

Inauspicious position of planets can cause the death of a particular person. There can be a conflict situation for politicians. There is a possibility of a disturbance, earthquake, storm or any other type of natural disaster. There will be a sudden change in the weather. There are also chances of rain in some parts of the country. There may be special fluctuations in the market. Prices of oil, oilseeds, jaggery, sugar, lentils, coarse grains can also be reduced. There will also be a slowdown in the precious metals market.

Planetary position of this month

The effect of the sun is on the stomach, eyes, heart, face and bones in the body.  Its inauspicious effect leads to headache, fever and heart diseases.  Good effect increases confidence.  Get fame.  There is also growth in jobs and business.

The effect of the sun is on the stomach, eyes, heart, face and bones in the body. Its inauspicious effect leads to headache, fever and heart diseases. Good effect increases confidence. Get fame. There is also growth in jobs and business.

The effect of Mars is on physical energy, blood pressure, enthusiasm in nature, valor, anger, property, vehicle, copper in metals and gold.  Due to its inauspicious effect, there are troubles related to these cases.  At the same time, you get benefit from auspicious effects.

The effect of Mars is on physical energy, blood pressure, enthusiasm in nature, valor, anger, property, vehicle, copper in metals and gold. Due to its inauspicious effect, there are troubles related to these cases. At the same time, you get benefit from auspicious effects.

The auspicious effects of Mercury benefit in education, mathematics, transactions, investment and business.  Beneficial plans are made.  Also, it affects skin and voice.  A person becomes smart by its auspicious effect.  The ominous effect causes damage in these cases.

The auspicious effects of Mercury benefit in education, mathematics, transactions, investment and business. Beneficial plans are made. Also, it affects skin and voice. A person becomes smart by its auspicious effect. The ominous effect causes damage in these cases.

Jupiter is considered to be the planet of health, obesity, fat and knowledge.  It affects teachers, older brothers, precious gems and religious places.  It also has a negative effect on jobs and business.

Jupiter is considered to be the planet of health, obesity, fat and knowledge. It affects teachers, older brothers, precious gems and religious places. It also has a negative effect on jobs and business.

Venus has an effect on income, expenses, physical comforts, hobbies and enjoyment.  Due to this, there are auspicious and inauspicious changes related to marriage, wife, opposite gender and sexual pleasure.  This affects private parts.  Its ominous effect causes cough and disease in the lower back.

Venus has an effect on income, expenses, physical comforts, hobbies and enjoyment. Due to this, there are auspicious and inauspicious changes related to marriage, wife, opposite gender and sexual pleasure. This affects private parts. Its ominous effect causes cough and disease in the lower back.

Saturn gives justice.  Job-business is promoted.  The loan ends.  Disputes win and age increases.  Bone and foot problems also end.  Its ominous effect increases misery.  Enemies bother.  Poor health, bone injuries, accidents, work interruptions, legal confusions and baggage are stolen.

Saturn gives justice. Job-business is promoted. The loan ends. Disputes win and age increases. Bone and foot problems also end. Its ominous effect increases misery. Enemies bother. Poor health, bone injuries, accidents, work interruptions, legal confusions and baggage are stolen.

Due to its auspicious effect, luck in the job-business gets the desired transfer.  The plans are successful.  Confusion is away.  Luck is supported in politics and important work.  Inauspicious effects lead to brain confusion and deception.  Human beings start committing wrongdoing, lies, intoxication and theft.

Due to its auspicious effect, luck in the job-business gets the desired transfer. The plans are successful. Confusion is away. Luck is supported in politics and important work. Inauspicious effects lead to brain confusion and deception. Human beings start committing wrongdoing, lies, intoxication and theft.

Due to its auspicious effect, plans are completed in the job-business.  There is help from all sides.  Man is inclined towards religion and spirituality.  Feet are strong and diseases go away.  Controversy and fear remain due to inauspicious effect.  There are foot, ear, knee, spinal, joint pain and kidney diseases.  Poisonous creatures and wild animals cause harm.

Due to its auspicious effect, plans are completed in the job-business. There is help from all sides. Man is inclined towards religion and spirituality. Feet are strong and diseases go away. Controversy and fear remain due to inauspicious effect. There are foot, ear, knee, spinal, joint pain and kidney diseases. Poisonous creatures and wild animals cause harm.


