
Good Morning Images 2022

Weekly Horoscope Predictions In Hindi – मंगल, सूर्य, बुध की बदलेगी चाल, इन राशियों को बना जाएगी मालामाल

This week, the changing movement of planets will change the entire life of many people. This week, the zodiac of the three planets will be the Sun of Mars, Mars and Mercury. Sun and Mercury will enter Aries and Mars will change to zodiac sign. According to astrology, if some people start walking on the path of prosperity overnight, then some people may get disappointment and sorrow even after all their hard work. The change of planets will have different effects on every zodiac sign.

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Aries (Chu, Ch, Cho, La, Lee, Lu, Le, Lo, Aa)
This week, beginning in the Uttarabhadrapada Nakshatra, shows the mixed circumstances. The ratio of profit and loss will remain the same. Do not invest. Mercury in business, business totals from cities in the south direction in Thursday. The first three days will be engaging in the service. Opportunities in the private sector to women-students.

Taurus (i, u, a, o, wa, vu, wu, way, that)
You will get the benefit of favorable time. Stopped work and the possibility of receiving money in this week. You have to be devoted to the work. It is time for the traders to get the business profit related to the old items. Achievement of desired position of high positions in the service. Opportunities for women and students in the field of archeology.

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Gemini (ka, ki, ku, d, d, g, k, ko, ha)
There will be a solution to a big problem in the family. Equality will be established in work and business. Will be happy to get the support of family members. You will get the benefit of the unity related to the organization in business. Benefit from coming ahead of junior class in service. Women-students can get an opportunity to serve in the banking sector.

Cancer (Hee, Hoo, Hee, Ho, Da, Dee, Doo, Dey, Doe)
Friends will come forward for cooperation. From an economic business point of view it is time to think with an open mind. Mid-regional investment is a time of profit for traders. The sum of outdoor travel with promotion to service. Opportunities in the medical field related to allopathy to women and students.

Singh (Ma, Me, Moo, May, Mo, Ta, Te, To, Te)
The erect moon will try to spoil the situation. Haste can cause damage. Time is favorable from Tuesday evening. Guru, Friday is a time of business planning and growth. Received the desired position in the service. Women and girls may get an opportunity in federal services.

Virgo (tow, pa, p, po, sh, n, ch, pe, po)
Composite Moon equally successful in competitions. The objectives related to your goal will be fulfilled. Family business will be successful for traders. Will get new contracts in the outside area in the job. Private Sector Opportunities in Global Management and Banking to Women and Students.

Tula (Ra, Ri, Ru, Re, Ri, Ta, Ti, Tu, Te)
Two days time will be opposite. Try to avoid a sequence of investment decisions. From Thursday in the planetary position side. For the traders, profit from the mid-week to the outer region and new events. There will be a change in work with a change of job location. Opportunities in the field of digital web line to women and students.

Scorpio (So, Na, Ni, Nu, Ne, No, Ya, Yi, Yu)
By staying with colleagues and relatives, they will move forward professionally in a particular direction, a big outline will be formed. Sum of special benefits in new concepts related to agriculture in business. Received administrative position in the service. Different opportunities for women and students in the field related to central / state level administration.

Dhanu (yeh, yo, bha, bhi, bhu, dha, fa, dha, bhe)
It is the sum of increase in wealth. The time for the acquisition of the plot or building is going on. Along with recovering from problems, you will be able to speed up the stopped work with new energy. Realization of profit with special demand in the drug related market. Achieve senior position in service. Opportunities in the academic field for women and students.

Makara (bho, ja, ji, khi, khu, khe, kho, ga, gi)
The old plan will gradually take shape as the planetary situation changes. Try, time is becoming on the side. There will be a boom in the sector related to the vehicle industry. Success will prevail in labor and in cases. International level opportunities for women and students in the field of petrochemicals.

Aquarius (Go, Gay, Go, Sa, Si, Soo, Se, So, Da)
Consider the proposals that come in the receipt of money. Along with investment, profit making is taking place. Time to invest in joint business style other than mobile business. You will get the desired position and money in the service, try. Private sector opportunities for women and students related to electronics and communications.

Pisces (Di, Du, Th, J, De, Do, Cha, Chi)
The Moon’s transit on the zodiac will focus on the change as well as the specific task. Time is beneficial from economic and social point of view. There will also be benefit of organizing Manglik work. Competition will increase among traders. The nature of work in employment will change. Opportunities for women and students in the field of language research.


