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Sankashti Chaturthi 2019: This Month Chaturthi Date And Pooja – संकष्टी चतुर्थी के दिन पूजा के बाद जरूर करें इस मंत्र का जप, संतान सुख में होगी वृद्धि

Sankashti chaturthi 2019: Lunar darshan is considered very auspicious on Chaturthi

Sankashti Chaturthi (sankashti chaturthi 2019) is also known by Sakat Chauth, Tilakut Chaturthi, Sankata Chauth, Tilakut Chauth. Pandit Ramakant Mishra explains that on the Chaturthi, women fast and on the evening offer the moon with honey, roli, sandalwood and roli mixed milk. On this day, women break the fast after lunar darshan. Women keep this fast for the success of their son and for their longevity. It is believed that fasting on the day of sankashti chaturthi ends all the problems of a person. The story is also recited after worshiping Lord Ganesha in Sankashti Vrat. This time Sankashti Chaturthi will be celebrated on 19th August i.e. Monday.

Sankashti Chaturthi auspicious time:
This time in Sankashti Chaturthi, the Abhijeet Muhurat of worship is from 11:58 pm to 12:50 pm.

sankashti chaturthi 2019

How to worship:

Make an idol equal to the thumb from the clay of the potter’s chalk and worship in the above manner and do Havan by chanting 101 Mala ‘Om Hari Green Hari’. While doing Puja, keep your face towards east or north direction. Put a statue or picture of Lord Ganesha in front of you and sit on a clean posture. Now bathe Lord Ganesha with fruit flowers, Akshat, Roli and Panchamrit. After this, offer water, akshat, durva grass, laddu, paan, incense etc. to Lord Ganesha in the evening. Ask Ganapati your wishes with Akshat and flowers, then salute Shri Ganesh.
Take a plate or banana leaf, on which you have to make a triangle with a roll. Place a ghee lamp on the obverse of the triangle. Wish children a long life. After the worship, offer the moon with honey, sandalwood, roli mixed milk. After worship, take the form of Laddu Prasad.

Importance of Sankashti Chaturthi

Worship of Ganapati on Sankashti removes negative effects. Peace prevails It is said that Ganesha removes all the disasters coming in the house and fulfills the wishes of the person. Chandra Darshan is also considered very auspicious on Chaturthi.


