
Good Morning Images 2022

Keep These Things In Mind While Offering Water To Sun – सूर्य को जल चढ़ाते समय लोटे में डाल ये एक चीज, जल्द से जल्द पूरी हो जाएंगी हर मनोकामना

Everyday people offer water to the Sun God, but few people are able to offer arghya properly. In this article, know that while offering water to the sun, three drops of Yamuna water should be added to the lotus. This fulfills your every wish ..!

It is said that in a person’s horoscope, the sun is strong that there is no shortage of anything in his house. The Sun has been called the soul of the world in the Vedas. Not only this, life on earth is possible with the sun, it is a universally accepted truth. In the Vedic period, Arya considered Surya to be the doer of the whole world.

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The meaning of Surya is all inspiring, it is all welfare by being all publisher and all promoter. The Sun of the Gods of the Rigveda occupies an important place. The Yajurveda has considered the Sun to be the eye of God by saying ‘Chaksho Suryo Jayat’. In the Chandogyapanishad, the Sun is described as Pranava and the benefit of getting a son from his meditation is described.

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Among all the Gods and Goddesses mentioned in our scriptures, Suryadev has been given the most important place, because Suryadev is the only deity who can be seen on earth and is very important for our life. If the Sun planet is in a strong position in one’s horoscope, then that person can get up to Rajapada and he gets respect everywhere, Sun is called the ruler of the planets, worship of Suryadev can calm the blame of all the planets. goes.

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It is said that the person who starts his day by offering water to Suryadev never fails in any work, the glory and benefits of offering arghya to Sun God are also mentioned in the scriptures, to offer arghya to Suryadev The problem of getting away from the job is removed, which makes Surya happy, Yamraj is also pleased with it, and the risk of diseases is averted.

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Many people will offer water to Suryadev every day, only a few of them offer water by offering it in the right method. While offering water to the Sun God, first of all you light a lamp and say your wish to the Sun God, now you add three drops of Yamuna water from the lotus which offers water and offer water to the Sun God, your wish will be fulfilled very soon.


